Friday, 30 March 2018

I have been working away at my 6mm and 28mm World War One Figures.
I have most of my Turkish division finished, just the HQ and some artillery to do and they will be done. I also did up some of the ANZAC Mounted Division. All of these in 6mm by Baccus. I also painted up 5 of the 28mm ANZAC by Woodbine, available through Gripping Beast!
Turkish Regiments.



Australian Light Horse Brigade.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018


I wanted to write a bit about a miniature manufacturer I have been doing business with for the past couple of years, that is Peter Berry who owns and operates Baccus 6mm.

Peter and I have been collaborating on World War One. He with miniatures and me with Rules and Scenario book (with a huge hand from Robert Dunlop). This partnership, to my way of thinking, has been tremendous and it speaks to the collaboration that seems to permeate the wargaming community at large.

Peter is located in the UK, while I am on the west coast of Canada but the distance is easily closed these day with the help of the interweb, email and so on.

I just want to speak for a moment about the fantastic relationship I have with Peter in the development of the miniatures he produced for WWI as well as his making ready made Divisional and Corps Packs for my own Great War Spearhead II rules set.

We have from the beginning discussed the need for infantry, cavalry, cavalry dismounts, artillery, engineers and headquarters. All of this was a very interesting blend of what the rules had, what was really necessary to depict on the table and what made sense from a design perspective for his model making. Lets face it, you just cannot do every single figure type and expect to make good on it. If, for example, you did a body armour wearing grenadier, how many of these do you need in a rules set or look right for an army of xxxx year and month? Might be very cool to have a figure like that but it might well be a draw down on resources to produce the more important Alpino or Evzone!

This was an interesting process for me, I have no artistic talent for figure design nor the know how or room to produce my own figures. So Peter had to rein me in on a number of occasions when I was saying we needed too many of a figure type (meaning asking for British infantry in Glengary, Tam O Shanter, Brodie Helmet, Cor' Blimey hat and Sun helmet, when the Brodie, Cor' Blimey and Sun helmet was likely more than enough). But he was aggressive in his breeching such subject and most times he would say something like, well we can look at that down the road if we need to fill in a spot, but we need to get the core done first. Makes complete sense!

He relied a lot on my thoughts on the guns required. Anyone who has studied WWI in even a small way can quickly realize that the amount and variety of artillery pieces is simply mind blowing. Some are extremely cool looking but don't really have a place on the battlefield because historically they were never used or only 1 of a type ever made it to combat. A good example here might be some of the modified naval guns the Germans used. There are three different 30cm guns that I can think of that were removed from battleships or were never mounted on them. Instead they were placed in fortification or on rail carriages. These guns were often deployed singly or perhaps 3 at a time. But were never really engaged in close combat where the enemy would have the opportunity to over run them. So why would a model maker choose to add that to the list of models when they are trying to build armies for the entire period? That sort of thing in my mind, now that I know better, is best left to a place like Shapeways, where you can ask one of the designers to custom build one for you.

Looking at the ranges Peter has completed for WWI so far (early and late war British, French and Germans, ANZACs, British Desert/Mesopotamia, Turks and Indians), one can not help but be impressed by the decisions made by Peter to cover the period in an effective manner. He has more coming to be sure - the Russians and Austrians will soon hit the tables and he has designs on more vehicles as well. If you are unsure about the quality of the vehicles or have never seen them, in the Desert Mounted Corps pack you get 8 Rolls Royce Armoured Cars and for me, they are the best 6mm Armoured Cars I have seen and or painted! Fantastic models. So I look forward to more of this type of addition as well.

For a fellow who has such a diverse selection of miniatures that you can buy, I am always very impressed with both his general and specific knowledge regardless of the period you may be discussing with him.

For my money and look on the gaming table BACCUS 6MM is the best range of miniatures you will find when doing World War One. I must caveat, range meaning those he has produced thus far, he plans to cover everything, but each range he has started to produce is complete as is. You can get everything you need. You want an Indian division or corps, everything you need is available now from Baccus. You want a Turkish Corps with a heavy Irregular Arab presence, you have it all available.

Given the increased scrutiny of WWI and the ancillary conflicts either side of the 1914-1918 period, it is magnificent to see someone as dedicated as Peter take on the job of ensuring we as gamers can muster the right troops to fight the battles we all want to see from this incredible time period.

Thanks Peter for your great work and look forward to more in the future!

Sunday, 25 March 2018


Since I retired on the 3rd of January of this year, I have had a lot of time to think about the hobby of miniature wargaming and also the writing of rule sets.

As you know I just released INEPTT II (International Extraterrestrial Paranormal Tactical Teams Second Edition) and also wrote Great War Spearhead II and working with Robert Dunlop we have completed 4 scenario books (Marching to War, Miracle on the Marne, Summer Harvest, All Fine Men so far for GWSH II and have a lot more waiting to come out.

With INEPTT II it occurred to me how difficult it is for a set of rules to break into the market, especially when you play in an area that is relatively low in numbers for miniature gaming and an even lower degree of miniatures available outside the GW/Mantic ranges.

INEPTT is a game designed around the concept of collaborative play and is a very low level RP, heavy skirmish game where High Tech Elite agents (INEPTT) fight against Alien Species, Paranormal Creatures, Evil humans and even Zombies. The game, by all accounts of feedback is both fun and exciting. Has a wide range of options to suit just about every taste and can be played just as well on a 2 x 2 table or an 18 x 4 if you have the stuff to put it together.

But its getting word out that makes it so difficult. Being a one man show and this not being a complete business per se, I don't have the ability to make it to trade shows like Adepticon or similar. Nor can I reach a wider audience like one would find in the bigger shows in Jolly Old England. Couple that with the fact that I have NO artistic ability to make my own figures and it leave one in a position of working an up hill battle against odds that are frankly daunting.

Now lets be honest here, I did not write the rules to make a million dollars or even go on vacation, the money aspect is really not why I do it. But its about exposure to a rules set that is fun, captivating and generates a lot of FUN at the table itself. Makes me wonder how many other rules sets fall under the same issue.

I played many of the big name games for years and frankly they all become rather generic and in my opinion (sorry to those that like them) simple money generators. How many iterations have they gone through to make sure they get the next round of miniature designs on the table. To be honest many of the rules systems actually suffer, in my opinion, because more effort is made to sell the minis that to produce good and workable rules.

There are Pulp rules out there as well that have captured a huge portion of the target audience because of the simplicity and quick nature of the games they produce. I like a couple of these set, but for me after a game or two it all just felt the same.

So I go back to thinking, how does one break into the market in a major way? Advertising, exposure, glossy photos? Is it simply a matter of you HAVE to put up money to advertise and get exposure to break into the market? If that is the case then what does one look for on a return of investment? I know I am musing over things that a business manager can tell me, but I am not a business manager so I am musing :) LOL

I would like to be able to get INEPTT into a larger audience for exposure because I truly believe there is great playability, repeat playability, expansion, imagination and fun to be had with the rules.
I went to Vancouver a few years back to Trumpeters convention and won best game on the first day, that I think was good exposure but still limited.

I guess I have to come up with a plan for broader exposure of INEPTT II.

Hi All, once again I had a long hiatus as I wrote the final pages of INEPTT II.

International Extraterrestrial Paranormal Tactical Teams second Edition is now available via and On Military Matters. At Lulu there are pdf versions as well and colour and black and white print.

To prove out the fun, simplicity and excitement the game can generate I ran a massive game (biggest ever for INEPTT) at a local game store (Everything Games) here in Victoria BC.

The game was played on an 18 foot by 4 foot playing area. I acted as overall game master and I was aided by another two assistant game masters to help keep the game flowing and aiding new players.

We had 11 INEPTT and INEPTT Allie players only 2 of whom had actually played before so there was a steep learning curve for many. The good news though, was that after a turn or two it seemed everyone had hoisted in the basics and were able to do just about everything within the basics of the game. I only need to step in for things like blowing up vehicles and so on, the rest pretty much ran itself.

To set  the stage, INEPTT was told that a terrorist cell had infiltrated the small town of Verfluchtestadt Connecticut. The town was host to a Top Secret genetics test and laboratory facility as well as a refinery for some sort of material being developed in the labs. INEPTT quickly deployed 2 teams from the Maritime Security Forces one by Fast Rope the second came a bit later by boat. Another 7 teams were deployed via road move at the southern most entry point onto the Operation area. In the area were two six man security teams in the Genetics compound at the extreme north of the Operation area. They were nominally allies. There was also an extensive police force consisting of approximately 40 Officers employed in SWAT, Riot Control and Patrols. Total for INEPTT and Allies was about 125 in total. They had to safeguard about 125 civilians that inhabited the town and at the same time had to combat 500 plus Zombies!

It all began up at the Genetics compound when the terrorist cell attacked and blew up some of the storage tanks containing serums made within the Genetics labs.
Here you can see the entire length of the table with the Genetics Facility at the bottom of the picture and in the distance is the town and mall. You can see 7 of the 11 players here as well as one assistant GM.

In this shot you can see the overturned tanker truck from the RPG attack, it exploded seconds after this helicopter shot was taken. The security teams quick destroyed the Terrorist cell but only moments after being killed in a spray of gun fire, the terrorists rose again as Zombies! At the same time a gas cloud blew south down the length of the Op area leaving a fine mist on the ground and on people as it went.

Not bad enough that the police had to deal with the terrorist attack but they also had a riot with 25 people on the bridge. The two shots above show the Riot squad on the North end of the Bridge. The second shows the rioters moving towards the Riot Squad. You can see the van of INEPTT TV Action news at the south end of the Bridge. The Blue building is the police station.

Police Forces get in their vehicles and begin to move to various locations to secure both people and find out what is going on at the Genetic compound.

After the explosion the Rioters were quickly brought to understand, by the Riot Squad commander, that something bad was going on at the Genetics compound so the Rioters ran for cover. You will note the Greenish cloud at the south end of the bridge right behind the rioters.

Foot Patrol Officers tried to establish control of shoppers in the downtown and mall areas and were mostly successful. Here you can see the Shoppers rushing towards the bathrooms.

The Police got everyone to occupy a bathroom stall and then barricaded everyone in the bathrooms. You can just see two officers at the entrance alcove to the bathroom facilities. 

Hundreds of Zombies began pouring out of the graveyard/ Here is a horde of nearly 150 over running a farm house as they move south towards town.

Another horde of 50 headed across the road and into the Resort hotel. It was here that one lady made a heroic stand by herself killing two Ravers and surviving the entire game!

INEPT Teams start moving North across the Bridge and trying to get into a position to bring firepower to bear on the Zombie hordes.

In the North a Zombie horde of 100 attacked towards the Genetics Compound. INEPTT had their two Maritime Security Teams deployed and supporting were two six man Private Security Teams. Together they commenced fire on the Zombie horde. But they were barely slowing it. So one Security member drove a truck into the Zombie Horde. He was slain after running over 4 Zombies but a great shot by the Sniper from the MST Alfa team blew up the vehicle killing a number of Zombies.

MST Bravo tried to save the farm house family but they were too late. They did draw the Zombies into a kill zone though and the slaughter heated up even more.

A second vehicle, this time a highway patrol officer and his car, were sacrificed to slow the mob of undead. It worked a second time and now the small arms fire from the combined MST units and Private Security really did a number on the remaining Zombies.

A good shot showing the table from the Mall. You can see INEPTT armoured vehicles deployed by the gas station as they prepare to intercept yet another mob of 100 Zombies entering from the West.

The spot most adversely affected by the Zombies was the Hotel and Spa. With no security or INEPT Teams on site, the Hotel staff was quickly destroyed and it was only small pockets of one or two guests that survived.

Zombies breaking into the upper floors of the Hotel.

The Final Zombie horde, yet another 100, comes on from the South end of the Operation area.

A bit of panic ensued while INEPTT attempted to clear the mall of remaining civilians.

The mall, patrons, along with downtown shoppers were mounted into a vehicle convoy and taken to safety. The Chief of Police in this way safeguarded 26 Civilians! He was awarded a medal of bravery for his actions this day!

INEPTT Teams deploy and commence to open fire in a terrific fusillade of small arms fire against the Zombie horde that entered the town.
The town safely free of Zombies, INEPTT redeploys and starts firing into the Southern horde.
You can see a Shop keeper (white jacket and hair) he ends up killing both Zombies and survives the game. That is Al Petrie, and NOBODY messes with him!

Vehicle fire puts the finishing touches on the last of the Zombies.

 Game set and match! INEPTT managed to hold on and destroy the hordes. Loss for  INEPTT were, four Agents Killed, 2 with wounds, 5 Private Security members killed, 5 Police Officers killed and 24 civilians killed. Thus it was a resound victory for INEPTT!

The game was massive, fun and we got through it in about 3 hours! Not bad for a huge game like that with over 500 Zombies :)

Thanks to all who played!
