Sunday, 17 May 2015

INEPTT Genre II today

Finishing up the table for tomorrow's game. Managed to finish off the bases and details on my 3 She Wolves, Lady Smyth-Wellingham and the BEF. I also got some advice from Anna on the tobacco brown uniform worn by the Bulgarians in WWI and the Balkan Wars (they had the old green as well but the 1st line were in Tobacco brown as were many of the reserve.

So I put together four Bulgarian infantry as a test run. Would appreciate any comments :)

She Wolves leaving their barracks.

I am very happy with how these turned our!

BEF - six more to join the battle fray!

Two of the BEF.

Three More BEF.

Shot of two of the Bulgarians.

From a distance the 4 Bulgarian infantry in Tobacco brown.

Lady Smyth-Wellingham.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Shawn. Liking the tobacco brown uniforms. Is that actually a paint colour if not what colour did you use?
    Richard P
