Sunday, 28 June 2015

Busy times

So I have been working away at everything but miniature gaming it seems. Work has been extremely busy but I finally managed to start a review of my "Summer Harvest" book, Austria's war against Serbia and Russia in August 1914.

Still haven't got all the scenarios determined yet but I do have about 2/3rd done although some of the maps still need to be completed.

I have been painting away at my WWII INEPTT troops and my civilians both Modern and WWII.

I will be doing a complete review this weekend of Summer Harvest to ensure spelling etc is in order and to hopefully add in a few more scenarios. I am looking forward to getting this book out there as it covers what is in my opinion, a huge gap in WWI gaming. When was the last time you saw 24 (give or take) scenarios focused just on the Austrian war efforts of WWI. I will continue to add further books which will cover the entire war that involved the Austria-Hungarian empire.

Here are some latest pics.

Austrian police officer 1930s

German soldiers 1936 - 1940, guards for the secret hideaways used by the German Occult Special Forces.

More German Soldiers.

Some young lads out to bother the security forces of the USA/UK/Australia/Canada/Europe in general or anywhere else that insurrection is happening!
Here is the basis of one of the maps being used in Summer Harvest. This is part of the battle of Komarow and will have the Austrians attacking a Russian division that is in and around Tarnawatka to Wierzrachanie
My good friend Robert Dunlop then took the root map and made this one for me to go in the book itself
As you can see Robert has expertly used existing images from Google Earth coupled with the old map I provided from Austrian source documents from rough 1890's and voila we have a perfect working map of one of the battles of Komarow!

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