Thursday, 13 August 2015

Battle of Komarow - 3rd Engagement

This was a great scenario and one we played last night. Bryan took the Austrians and I took the Russians.
I will apologize up front for not having everything painted. I have not had the opportunity to paint my Russian Cavalry or my dismounted Austrians so you have some grey ghosts on the table :(

OK so the game. This is a test run of another scenario going into the Summer Harvest book. Austrian Cavalry (two divisions worth) have managed to catch a Russian Corps in March column to move to a better position. So we have two regiments of Russian Infantry that have just managed to get sorted out before the Austrian cavalry hit.

The Austrians have half their squadrons dismounted and the Russians may bring on up to 4 Sotnias of Cossacks during the battle, but for each they bring on they lose the ability to generate extra victory points (the thought being that historically the Russians did not want to commit large numbers of troops to derail their movement. Historically they failed at continuing uninterrupted.)

The battle was fast and furious with a cavalry charge taking place on turn one. Many will say that is unrealistic but I want you to remember that in GWSH it doesn't necessarily mean a melee but a close in engagement and possibly some actual melee. Bryan's cavalry were badly shot up and he did lose two brigades in total. Both divisions would need a good refit after this one. But the Russian Corps would not make it to the ensuing battle and so the Austrians were successful.

Russian infantry have to come on line and turn and face the Austrian Cavalry.

The Second Regiment turns and faces straddling a river.

Austrian Cavalry in all their splendor preparing to charge!

Dismounted Austrians advance towards the Russian infantry.

Russian Artillery comes on line and commences firing with good results against the dismounted Austrians.

Austrian cavalry on either side of a village.


Throwing caution to the wind the Austrian commander charges the Russian line. In a terrifying melee the Austrians pass their forced morale check but lost over half their men getting in!

Although outnumbered the cavalry start to whittle down the Russian infantry. But the stubborn Russians finally destroyed the Austrian cavalry brigade.

The rear Russian Regiment continues to engage the entire Austrian 10th Cavalry Division and came off well in the first exchange, this changed once the Austrian Artillery came on line.

Moving swiftly through a dense forest the Austrians look to outflank the Russians.

Austrian Horse Artillery got in a gun duel with the Russian and although a battery was destroyed, they in turn destroyed the Russian guns!

Russians under Austrian Artillery fire!

Russian infantry is down to barely anything left.

A Sotnia of Cossacks arrive to help turn the tide, but they were destroyed by the superb Austrian horsemen in a running fight.

Battle is over, the Austrian 6th Cavalry has successfully taken Posadow.

In the end the Russians committed 2 Sotnias and lost both as well as the town of Posadow and 1 Infantry regiment. Final was Austrians 13 vp Russians 5. Huge win for the Austrians!

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