Tuesday 17 April 2018

Writing, Painting and Reading

I continue to rummage through maps, reports and writings on the British/Indian campaign in Mesopotamia, not because I need more information, but its very interesting. I am in the stages of finishing my second brigade for the British 13th Division and I am still waiting for my parcels to arrive from Baccus, Empress and a company in China for dice.

I am putting together some INEPTT starter packs, these will include 6 Agents, 12 Zombies, 8 D10 and a copy of the Rules in either black and white or full colour.

For Black and White Rules Starter Set = 66 dollars Canadian.
For Colour Starter Set = 88 dollars Canadian
Shipping will be worked out when I get a request for a pack. PAYPAL is the payment option.

I would like to be able to find a cheaper way to do colour print on demand, but I am very happy with Lulu.com and what they produce.

Writing is a bit slower right now as I am working on trying to synthesize what I am trying to say for the concept I am using within the rules (WWI Skirmish type rules). I am struggling a bit with making it make sense without having to write mounds of information. The KISS principle is eluding me at the moment but when I catch it I will be progressing with mortars and artillery I think.


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